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AbstractTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
AbstractTreeBuilder(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.AbstractTreeBuilder
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
addAttribute(String, String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
AMBIGUOUS - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The iXML "ambiguous" state .
asCSV(List<CsvColumn>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
asCSV(List<CsvColumn>, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
asJSON() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataText
asJSON() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Return a JSON representation of the tree.
asJSON() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleText
asJSON() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Return a JSON representation of the tree.
assertXmlChars(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
assertXmlChars(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
assertXmlName(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
Is this a valid XML name?
asXML() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataText
asXML() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Return an XML representation of the tree.
asXML() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleText
asXML() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Return an XML representation of the tree.
AttributeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
AttributeBuilder(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
attributeNameForbidden(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
attributeNotAllowed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
attributeRedefined(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
attributeRoot(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException


cannotParseFailure() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
CharacterIterator - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
CharacterIterator(String) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
CharacterIterator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Add characters to the value of a {#link DataText} node.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Add characters to the value of a {#link SimpleText} node.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
columnNumber - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
comment(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
commentNotAllowed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
constructed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Did the grammar parse succeed?
ContentHandlerAdapter - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
ContentHandlerAdapter(String, ParserOptions, ContentHandler) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
convertHex(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
CSV_HEADING_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
CsvColumn - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
CsvColumn(String) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
csvEscape(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
cwd() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.URIUtils
Creates a URI for the users current working directory.


DataText - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
A node in a DataTree that contains a single atomic value.
DataTree - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
DataTree is data-oriented tree-like data structure.
DataTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
Construct a DataTree.
DataTreeBuilder(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Create a default data tree builder.
DataTreeBuilder(ParserOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Create a data tree builder.
declareNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
disablePragma(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Disable the specified pragma.
DISCARD_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the discard parser attribute.
documentNotStarted() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
documentStarted() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
duplicatesForbidden(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException


EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
EMPTY_DATA_TREE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
enablePragma(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Disable the specified pragma.
endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
endDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Inidcates that construction has finished.
endDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Indicates the construction has finished.
endDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
endDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
endElement() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
endElement(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Ends an element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Ends an element.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
endElementNotAllowed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
exposeState(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Expose a state.


failedToLoadIxmlGrammar(Exception) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
failedToLoadIxmlGrammar(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
failedtoParse(String, Exception) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
filename - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
floatRegex - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
forbiddenEmptyAlt(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
fromArray(Token[]) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.IxmlInputBuilder
fromIterator(Iterator<Token>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.IxmlInputBuilder
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.IxmlInputBuilder


get(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get a node named "name".
getAdapter(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Returns an adapter for SAX ContentHandlers.
getAll() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get all the children of a node.
getAll(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get all the nodes named "name".
getAllowEmptyAlts() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Allow empty string to represent an alternative?
getAllowMultipleDefinitions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Allow multiple definitions?
getAllowUndefinedSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Allow undefined symbols?
getAllowUnproductiveSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Allow unproductive symbols?
getAllowUnreachableSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Allow unreachable symbols?
getAssertValidXmlCharacters() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Raise an exception if invalid XML characters are used in text or attribute values that are serialized.
getAssertValidXmlNames() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Raise an exception if invalid XML names are used in nonterminals that are serialized.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get the value of a particular attribute.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get the node's attributes.
getChildren() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get the node's children.
getCode() - Method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
Get the error code.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Get the column number of the last line processed.
getDatatype() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
getError() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.VxmlValidator
getException() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Return the exception that caused an attempt to build a parser to fail.
getFailedParse() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
If the attempt to parse the grammar failed, return a representation of that failure.
getGrammar() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get the underlying grammar
getGraphviz() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Where's the GraphViz 'dot' command?
getHandler() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
getHeader() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
getHygieneReport() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get the hygiene report for this parser's grammar
getIgnoreBOM() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
If a UTF-8 input stream begins with a byte order mark (BOM), ignore it.
getIgnoreTrailingWhitespace() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Ignore trailing whitespace?
getIndex(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getIndex(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getInScopeNamespaces() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
getIxmlVersion() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
getLength() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getLineNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Get the line number of the last line processed.
getLocalName(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getMetadata() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get metadata.
getName() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
getName() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get the name of this node.
getName() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get the name of this node.
getNumberOfParses() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Return the number of available parses of this document.
getNumberOfParses() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getOffset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Get the offset of the last character processed.
getOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get the parser options currently being used to construct parsers.
getOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Get the parser options.
getOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get the parser options.
getOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
getParent() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get this node's parent.
getParent() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get this node's parent.
getParser() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The parser for ixml grammars.
getParser(File) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from a file.
getParser(File, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from a file with an explicit encoding.
getParser(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from an input stream.
getParser(InputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from an input stream with an explicit encoding.
getParser(URI) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from a URI.
getParser(URI, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Get a parser from a URI with an explicit encoding.
getParserFromIxml(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Constructs a parser from an ixml grammar.
getParserFromIxml(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Constructs a parser from an ixml grammar.
getParserFromVxml(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Construct a parser from an XML representation (vxml) of an ixml grammar
getParserType() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Return the parser type.
getParserVersion() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Get the parser version.
getParseTime() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get the time spent parsing the input grammar.
getPedantic() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Enforce strict compliance to the Invisible XML specification.
getPragmas() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get the pragmas associated with this parser.
getPrettyPrint() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Attempt to pretty print the result?
getQName(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getResult() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Return the underlying GearleyResult result for this parse.
getRuleRewriter() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
getShowBnfNonterminals() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
getShowChart() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Show the Earley chart in error results?
getShowMarks() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
getStartSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Where should parsing start?
getStrictAmbiguity() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
If a grammar contains priority pragmas that uniquely determine the outcome of every potentially ambiguous choice, report that the grammar is ambiguous anyway.
getText() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleText
Get the value.
getText() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTree
Get the text value of a node.
getTrailingNewlineOnOutput() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Make sure the output ends with a newline?
getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Return an XML representation of the current parse.
getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Get the tree once constructed.
getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Get the tree once constructed.
getTree(PrintStream) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Write an XML representation of the current parse to the stream.
getTree(PrintStream) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getTree(TreeBuilder) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Process the result with your own TreeBuilder.
getTree(TreeBuilder) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getTree(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Write an XML representation of the current parse to a SAX ContentHandler.
getTree(ContentHandler) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getTree(ContentHandler, ParserOptions) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Write an XML representation of the current parse to a SAX ContentHandler using a different set of options.
getTree(ContentHandler, ParserOptions) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
getType(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getType(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getType(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getURI(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getValidateVxml() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Should validate VXML grammars?
getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataText
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
Get the value of a node
getValue(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getValue(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getValue(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder
getXml() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
Return a string containing the XML serialization.
getXml() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlStringWriter
GrammarSniffer - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
GrammarSniffer() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.GrammarSniffer


hasNext() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator


identify(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.GrammarSniffer
INSERTION_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the insertion parser attribute.
internalError(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
internalError(String, Exception) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
intRegex - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
invalidCharacterClass(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidHex(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidHexCharacters(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidHexTooLarge(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidMark(char) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidName(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
invalidPrefix(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
invalidRange(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidText(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
invalidTMark(char) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidVxmlGrammar(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidXmlCharacter(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidXmlName(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
invalidXmlNameCharacter(String, int) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
InvisibleXml - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter
A static class for constructing instances of Invisible XML grammars.
InvisibleXml() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Creates a new InvisibleXml object (with default options) from which parsers can be constructed.
InvisibleXml(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Creates a new InvisibleXml object (with custom options) from which parsers can be constructed.
InvisibleXmlDocument - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter
An InvisibleXmlDocument represents a document created with an InvisibleXmlParser.
InvisibleXmlFailureDocument - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter
A failure document represents the results of a failed parse.
InvisibleXmlParser - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter
A parser for a particular Invisible XML grammar.
isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Is this document ambiguous?
isInfinitelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Is this document infinitely ambiguous?
isSuppressedState(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Is the specified state suppressed?
IXML_10 - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
IXML_10_NINEML - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
IXML_11 - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
IXML_11_NINEML - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
ixml_ns - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The Invisible XML namespace URI.
ixml_prefix - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The namespace prefix for the Invisilble XML namespace.
IXML_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.GrammarSniffer
IxmlException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions
An Ixml exception.
IxmlException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
Create an IxmlException with a message.
IxmlException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
Create an IxmlException that wraps another exception.
IxmlInputBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
IxmlTreeException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions
An Ixml tree building exception.
IxmlTreeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
Create an IxmlTreeException with a message.
IxmlTreeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
Create an IxmlTreeException that wraps another exception.


jsonEscape(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
jsonValue(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils


knownPragmas() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The known pragma names.
knownStates() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The known states.


lineNumber - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The category name used for InvisibleXml log messages.
logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.AttributeBuilder


MARK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the mark parser attribute.
maxInt - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
MessageGenerator - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions
Generates localized messages.
MessageGenerator() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.MessageGenerator
minInt - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
multipleDefinitionsOfSymbol(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException


NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the name parser attribute.
nameChar(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
namespaceRedefined(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
nameStartChar(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
newURI(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.URIUtils
Create a new URI, attempting to deal with the vagaries of file: URIs.
next() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
nineml_ns - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
THe NineML namespace URI.
nineml_prefix - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The namespace prefix for the NineML namespace.
noCsv() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
noMixedContent() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
noSuchSymbol(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
notSingleRooted(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException


offset - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.CharacterIterator
org.nineml.coffeefilter - package org.nineml.coffeefilter
The main Invisible XML classes.
org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions - package org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions
Ixml exceptions.
org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees - package org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
Tree constructors.
org.nineml.coffeefilter.util - package org.nineml.coffeefilter.util


parse(File) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a file.
parse(File, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a file with an explicit encoding.
parse(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a stream.
parse(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a string.
parse(URI) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a URI.
parse(URI, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from a URI with an explicit encoding.
parse(Token[]) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
Get a document from an array of tokens.
parseFailed(Exception) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
parseFailed(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
ParserOptions - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter
Options to the Invisible XML processor.
ParserOptions() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Create the parser options.
ParserOptions(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Create a new set of options from an existing set.
ParserOptions(Logger) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Create the parser options with an explicit logger.
parserVersion - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
parseTime() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Returns the amount of time (roughly) spent parsing.
pragmaDisabled(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Is the specified pragma disabled?
prepareCsv() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
processingInstruction(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
processingInstructionNotAllowed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException


readInputStream(InputStream, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlParser
renameUnavailable(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
repeatedAttribute(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
repeatedPragma(String, String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
reset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Reset the builder.
reset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Reset the builder.
resolve(URI, String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.URIUtils
Resolve a URI against a base URI.


satisfiesVersion10(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Is this version a valid "1.0" version?
satisfiesVersion11(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
Is this version a valid "1.1" version?
setAllowEmptyAlts(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Set the ParserOptions.getAllowEmptyAlts() ()} property.
setAllowMultipleDefinitions(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setAllowUndefinedSymbols(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setAllowUnproductiveSymbols(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setAllowUnreachableSymbols(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setAssertValidXmlCharacters(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setAssertValidXmlNames(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setGraphviz(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Set the ParserOptions.getGraphviz() property.
setHeader(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
setIgnoreBOM(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setIgnoreTrailingWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setPedantic(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Set the ParserOptions.getPedantic() property.
setPrettyPrint(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setRuleRewriter(RuleRewriter) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setShowBnfNonterminals(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setShowChart(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setShowMarks(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setStartSymbol(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setStrictAmbiguity(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setTrailingNewlineOnOutput(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
setValidateVxml(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
SimpleText - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
A node in a SimpleTree that contains a single text value.
SimpleTree - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
SimpleTree is a simple, generic representation of an InvisibleXmlDocument tree.
SimpleTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
Construct a SimpleTree.
SimpleTreeBuilder(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Create a default simple tree builder.
SimpleTreeBuilder(ParserOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Create a simple tree builder.
sniffingFailed(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
startDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Indicates the construction has begun.
startDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Indicates the construction has begun.
startDocument() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
startElement(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTreeBuilder
Add an element to the DataTree.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.SimpleTreeBuilder
Add an element to the SimpleTree.
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
startPrefixMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
startTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
StringTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
Construct a "string tree".
StringTreeBuilder(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
Create a string tree builder.
StringTreeBuilder(ParserOptions, PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.StringTreeBuilder
Create a string tree builder, specifying an output stream.
succeeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlDocument
Did the parse succeed?
succeeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXmlFailureDocument
suppressState(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.ParserOptions
Suppress a state.


text(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
textNotAllowed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
TMARK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the tmark parser attribute.
token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.ContentHandlerAdapter
TokenUtils - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
Utility methods for tokens and names.
TokenUtils() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.CsvColumn
toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.DataTree
TreeUtils - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees
TreeUtils() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils


unbalancedTags() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
unbalancedTags(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
unbalancedTags(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlTreeException
undefinedSymbols(Set<NonterminalSymbol>) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
UNK_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.GrammarSniffer
unproductiveSymbols(Set<NonterminalSymbol>) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
unreachableSymbols(Set<NonterminalSymbol>) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeefilter.exceptions.IxmlException
URIUtils - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
URIUtils() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.URIUtils


valid() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.VxmlValidator
validateVxml(InputStream, URL, ParserOptions) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.VxmlValidator
VERSION_MISMATCH - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The iXML "version-mismatch" state.
VXML_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.GrammarSniffer
VxmlValidator - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
VxmlValidator() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.VxmlValidator


xmlChar(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.TokenUtils
xmlEscape(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
xmlEscapeAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.trees.TreeUtils
XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeefilter.InvisibleXml
The internal name for the xmlns parser attribute.
XmlStringWriter - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
XmlStringWriter() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlStringWriter
XmlWriter - Class in org.nineml.coffeefilter.util
XmlWriter() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeefilter.util.XmlWriter
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