CoffeeFilter Test Report

Report generated on 29 Oct 2024 at 10:59 with version 3.2.7 from a test suite dated 23 Oct 2023 (22 Nov 2023).


Top-level catalog for tests in the iXML Community Group Test Suite.

Tests have been contributed from several sources, but the core of the test collection are the tests contributed by Steven Pemberton in December 2021.

Ambiguous inputs

01 Jun 2022 (09 May 2023)


Tests provided by Steven Pemberton in December 2021, with corrections of 21 December. Reorganized by Norm Tovey-Walsh, February 2022.


Created 16 Dec 2021 by SP

Invisible XML Grammar
date: bla, day, S, number, S, month, S, year, bla;
      bla, number, S, month, S, year, bla;
      bla, day, ",", S, number, S, month, S, year, bla. 
day: Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday.
Monday: "Mon"; "Monday".
Tuesday: "Tue"; "Tuesday".
Wednesday: "Wed"; "Weds"; "Wednesday".
Thursday: "Thu"; "Thur"; "Thurs"; "Thursday".
Friday: "Fri"; "Friday".
Saturday: "Sat"; "Saturday".
Sunday: "Sun"; "Sunday".
number: cardinal; ordinal.
cardinal: digits1, "st"; digits2, "nd"; digits3, "rd"; digits4,"th".
ordinal: digits.
-digits: digit+.
-digit: ["0"-"9"].
-digits1: "1"; digits, "1".
-digits2: "2"; digits, "2".
-digits3: "3"; digits, "3".
-digits4: digit4; digits, digit4.
-digit4: ["4"-"9"]; "0".
-bla: ; char, bla.
-char: [" "-"~"].
month: January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.
year: digit, digit, digit, digit.
January: "January"; "Jan".
February: "February"; "Feb".
March: "March"; "Mar".
April: "April"; "Apr".
May: "May".
June: "June"; "Jun".
July: "July"; "Jul".
August: "August"; "Aug".
September: "September"; "Sept"; "Sep".
October: "October"; "Oct".
November: "November"; "Nov".
December: "December"; "Dec".
-S: " "*.

Test case: date

Repository URI: …/tests/ambiguous/test-catalog.xml

Created 16 Dec 2021 by SP

Updated 01 Jan 2022 by MSM

stripped non-significant whitespace from result

Updated 05 Feb 2022 by ndw

added alternative parse

Input string (54 characters)
The conference starts Thursday, 9th Feb 2017 at 10:00.
Expected results (one of)
     The input from line.pos 1.1 to 1.55 can be interpreted as 'date' in 2 different ways:
     1: date[1.1:]:  bla[:1.23] day[:1.31] ","[:1.32] S[:1.33] number[:1.36] S[:1.37] month[:1.40] S[:1.41] year[:1.45] bla[:1.55] 
     2: date[1.1:]:  bla[:1.33] number[:1.36] S[:1.37] month[:1.40] S[:1.41] year[:1.45] bla[:1.55] 
--><date xmlns:ixml="" ixml:state="ambiguous">The conference starts <day>
   </day>, <number>
   <year>2017</year> at 10:00.</date>
     The input from line.pos 1.1 to 1.55 can be interpreted as 'date' in 2 different ways:
     1: date[1.1:]:  bla[:1.23] day[:1.31] ","[:1.32] S[:1.33] number[:1.36] S[:1.37] month[:1.40] S[:1.41] year[:1.45] bla[:1.55] 
     2: date[1.1:]:  bla[:1.33] number[:1.36] S[:1.37] month[:1.40] S[:1.41] year[:1.45] bla[:1.55] 
--><date xmlns:ixml="" ixml:state="ambiguous">The conference starts Thursday, <number>
   <year>2017</year> at 10:00.</date>

Test report