All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- add(State, int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtree
- addAttribute(ParserAttribute) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Add the specified attribute to the attributes collection.
- addAttributes(Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Add the specified attributes to the attributes collection.
- addCompleted(EarleyItem) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- addEdge(ForestNodeGLL) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNodeGLL
- addFamily(ForestNode, ForestNode, State) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- addFamily(ForestNode, State) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- addOpen(EarleyItem) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- addRule(NonterminalSymbol, List<Symbol>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar.
- addRule(NonterminalSymbol, Symbol...) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar.
- addRule(Rule) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Add a rule to the grammar.
- advance() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get a new state with the position advanced by one
- advance() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- ambiguityChecked() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Did the dk.brics.grammar.ambiguity analyzer run successfully?
- AmbiguityReport - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
An ambiguity report.
- AMBIGUOUS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- Arborist - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
One who might be employed to extract trees from a forest.
- attemptToContinueInvalidParse() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if an attempt is made to continue after an invalid parse.
- attemptToContinueWithIncompatibleParser() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if an attempt is made to continue with an incompatible parser.
- AttributeException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Exceptions that arise processing the attributes of a symbol or token.
- AttributeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.AttributeException
An attribute exception with a message.
- AttributeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.AttributeException
An attribute exception with an underlying cause.
- attributes - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- Axe - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
An axe is a tool an Arborist might use to extract trees from a forest.
- BinarySubtree - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
The GLL parser constructs BinarySubtrees during parsing.
- BinarySubtree(NonterminalSymbol, int, ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtree
- BinarySubtreeNode - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A node in a
. - BinarySubtreePrefix - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A "prefix subtree" in a
. - BinarySubtreeSlot - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A slot (state) in a
. - BricsAmbiguity - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
- BricsAmbiguity() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- CachingLogger - Class in org.nineml.logging
The caching logger stores all of the messages.
- CachingLogger() - Constructor for class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- callStack() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- cannotAddChild(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ForestException
A cannot-add-child exception.
- ch(char) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Return a token for a string.
- characterIterator(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Iterators
An iterator over a character sequence.
- CharacterSet - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A class that represents a range of Unicode characters.
- check() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.AmbiguityReport
Run the checker.
- checkAmbiguity() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
- checkGrammar() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
- checkGrammar(Grammar, NonterminalSymbol, PrintWriter) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- checkumFailed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the compiled grammar checksum doesn't match the computed value.
- clearLogLevels() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Clear the log levels.
- clearMessages() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- closesLoop(ForestNode) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- ClusterNode - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A cluster node.
- CodepointToString - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
- CodepointToString() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- CoffeeGrinderException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Exceptions raised by this API.
- CoffeeGrinderException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CoffeeGrinderException
An exception with a message.
- CoffeeGrinderException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CoffeeGrinderException
An exception with an underlying cause.
- COLUMN_NUMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- compile(NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.RegexCompiler
- CompilerException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Compiler exceptions.
- CompilerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Grammar exception with a message.
- CompilerException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Grammar exception with an underlying cause.
- completed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Are we finished with this symbol?
- contains(int, EarleyItem) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyChart
Determine if an item is in the chart.
- contains(Rule) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Does this grammar contain an equivalent rule?
- continueParsing() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- continueParsing() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Continue parsing from the last successfully matched prefix.
- continueParsing() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
After a successful prefix parse, this method continues parsing.
- continueParsing(GearleyParser) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- continueParsing(GearleyParser) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Continue parsing from the last successfully matched prefix with a new parser.
- continueParsing(GearleyParser) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
After a successful prefix parse, this method continues parsing with a new parser.
- count(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- counters - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- CR - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- CrfNode - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A CRF node.
- debug(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Emit a debug message.
- debug(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- debug(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- debug(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- debug(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Issue a debug message.
- debug(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- DEBUG - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
All messages.
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level for debug messages.
- Decoratable - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
- Decoratable() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
A decoratable item with no attributes.
- Decoratable(Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
A decoratable item with attributes.
- DefaultLogger - Class in org.nineml.logging
The default logger prints messages on stderr.
- DefaultLogger() - Constructor for class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- defaultLogLevelProperty - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The system property for setting the default log level.
- DefaultParseListener - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
A default implementation of
. - DefaultParseListener() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
Create a default listener.
- DefaultParseListener(int) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
Create a default listener with a particular message level.
- DefaultProgressMonitor - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
A default implementation of
. - DefaultProgressMonitor() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
Create a progress monitor.
- Descriptor - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
A descriptor is a slot (a state) with it's position in the input.
- Descriptor(State, int, int) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- detail(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Emit a detail message.
- detail(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- DETAIL - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Detail messages and above.
- digit(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- duration() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
The number of milliseconds that the stopwatch has been running.
- Earley - Enum constant in enum class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserType
- EarleyChart - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The chart used for Earley parsing.
- earleyFrequency - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
The default update interval (number of tokens).
- EarleyItem - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
An Earley item.
- EarleyParser - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The Earley parser.
- EarleyPath - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
- EarleyPath(Token[]) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- EarleyResult - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The results of an Earley parse.
- elapsed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
The elapsed time in a human-friendly format.
- elapsed(long) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
The elapsed time in a human-friendly format.
- endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- endAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called at the end of an ambiguity that is not marked by a single nonterminal.
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called when a nonterminal ends.
- endNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelector
Enda a nonterminal.
- endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- endTree(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called last, when construction finishes.
- EOF - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
- EOF - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
- EPSILON - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
- EPSILON - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
- epsilonRule() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreePrefix
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeSlot
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.ClusterNode
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.CrfNode
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.PoppedNode
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNodeGLL
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
Test nonterminals for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Tests for the equality of two
objects. - equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Are two token character sets "equal"?
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
Test tokens for equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- error(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Emit an error message.
- error(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- error(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- error(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- error(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Issue an error message.
- error(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- ERROR - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Error messages only.
- ERROR - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level for error messages.
- errorReadingGrammar(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if an error occurs reading the grammar
- exclusion(List<CharacterSet>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character not in any of the specified ranges.
- exclusion(List<CharacterSet>, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character not in any of the specified ranges (with attributes).
- exclusion(CharacterSet) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character not in the specified range.
- exclusion(CharacterSet...) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character not in the specified ranges.
- exclusion(CharacterSet, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character not in the specified range (with attributes).
- extendableLeaf() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForestGLL
- Family - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
An internal class representing a family of nodes in the SPPF.
- fileIterator(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Iterators
- findOrCreate(State, Symbol, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForestGLL
- finished(GearleyParser) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ProgressMonitor
Indicates that the parse has finished.
- finished(GearleyParser) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
Finish the monitor.
- forArborist(Arborist) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Axe
Who's using this axe?
- forArborist(Arborist) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- forArborist(Arborist) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.RandomAxe
- forArborist(Arborist) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- forest - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- ForestException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Exceptions that arise processing the shared packed parse forest (SPPF).
- ForestException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ForestException
An SPPF exception with a message.
- ForestException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ForestException
An SPPF exception with an underlying cause.
- ForestNode - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A node in the SPPF.
- ForestNodeGLL - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A node in the SPPF constructed by the GLL parser.
- ForestNodeSet - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A utility class for constructing forest nodes.
- ForestNodeWalk - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
- from(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- from(Iterator<Token>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- from(Token[]) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- GearleyParser - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The parser interface for Earley and GLL parsers.
- GearleyResult - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The result of a parse with an Earley or GLL parser.
- GenericBranch - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A branch (nonterminal) in a generic tree.
- GenericLeaf - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A leaf (terminal) in a generic tree.
- GenericTree - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A generic tree representation of a parse.
- GenericTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A tree builder that constructs a
. - GenericTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- get(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyChart
Get a row from the chart.
- get(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- get(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Create a token for the specified character.
- get(int, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Create a token for the specified character.
- get(int, ParserAttribute) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Create a token for the specified character.
- get(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
Create a token for the specified regular expression.
- get(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Create a token for the specified string.
- get(String, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
Create a token for the specified regular expression (with attributes)
- get(String, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Create a token for the specified string (with attributes)
- get(String, ParserAttribute) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
Create a token for the specified regular expression (with an attribute)
- get(String, ParserAttribute) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Create a token for the specified string (with an attribute)
- getAmbiguityReport() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.AmbiguityReport
Get the report.
- getAmbiguityReport() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the dk.brics.grammar.ambiguity analyzer report.
- getAmbiguousNodes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
- getArborist() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getArborist() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getArborist() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Get an arborist to extract trees from the forest.
- getArborist(ParseForest) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- getArborist(ParseForest, Axe) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- getArborist(Axe) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getArborist(Axe) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getArborist(Axe) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Get an arborist to extract trees from the forest.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Get a specific token attribute.
- getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Get all the token's attributes.
- getAttributesMap() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Get all the token's attributes as a map.
- getAttributeValue(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Get a specific token attribute value.
- getAutomaton(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- getCharacters() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
What characters are in the set?
- getCharacterSets() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
What are the character sets?
- getChart() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Get the Earley chart for the parse.
- getCheckSucceeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.AmbiguityReport
Did the check succeed?
- getCheckSucceeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- getChildren() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericBranch
- getChildren() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- getChildren() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.ParseTree
- getChoices() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- getCode() - Method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CoffeeGrinderException
Get the error code.
- getCodepoint() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Return the codepoint value of this token (its character codepoint)
- getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
- getColumnNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getColumnNumber() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Returns the column number of the last character on the last line read by the parser.
- getColumnNumber() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns the column number of the last character on the last line read by the parser.
- getCompiledGrammar() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the grammar associated with this report.
- getCompiledGrammar(NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
- getCompiledGrammar(ParserType, NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
- getCompleted() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- getDefaultLogLevel() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Get the default log level
- getDescriptor(int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- getFamilies() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- getFirst() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- getFirst(ParserGrammar) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- getFirst(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
Return the set of "first" symbols for the specified symbol
- getFollow(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
- getForest() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getForest() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getForest() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Return the parse forest created by the parser.
- getGrammar() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getGrammar() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Get the grammar used by this parser.
- getGrammar() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
The grammar used by this parser.
- getHygieneReport() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
Get a hygiene report for this compiled grammar.
- getHygieneReport(NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Get a hygiene report for this grammar.
- getInputString(EarleyItem) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- getLastToken() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getLastToken() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
What was the last token parsed?
- getLastToken() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Return the last token parsed.
- getLeftAttributes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getLeftNode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
- getLineNumber() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getLineNumber() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Returns the line number of the last line read by the parser.
- getLineNumber() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns the line number of the last line read by the parser.
- getLogCategories() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Get all of the configured log level categories
- getLogger() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Get the parser logger.
- getLogLevel(String) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Get the log level for a particular category.
- getMadeAmbiguousChoice() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelector
Did the tree selector make an arbitrary choice?
- getMarkAmbiguities() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Are ambiguities marked?
- getMessageLevel() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
How verbose are we being?
- getMessageLevel() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- getMessages() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- getMetadataProperies() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Gets the metadata properties.
- getMetadataProperty(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Gets a metadata property.
- getName() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
The name of this symbol.
- getName() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
Get the name of an attribute.
- getNodes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Get the nodes in the graph.
- getNonterminal(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Return the nonterminal symbol identified by name.
- getNonterminal(String, List<ParserAttribute>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Return the nonterminal symbol identified by name.
- getNonterminal(String, ParserAttribute) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Return the nonterminal symbol identified by name.
- getNormalizeLineEndings() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Normalize line endings?
- getOffset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getOffset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getOffset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
- getOffset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getOffset() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Returns the last offset read by the parser.
- getOffset() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns the last offset read by the parser.
- getOpen() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyPath
- getOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Get the options for this forest.
- getParent() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- getParser() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getParser() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Get the parser for this result.
- getParser() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
The parser used.
- getParser() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
Get a parser for this grammar.
- getParser(ParserOptions, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
- getParser(ParserOptions, NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Get a parser for this grammar.
- getParserOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
- getParserOptions() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Gets the parser options.
- getParserType() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getParserType() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Return the parser type.
- getParserType() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
The parser type.
- getParserType() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Get the parser type.
- getParseTime() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getParseTime() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
How long did the parse take?
- getParseTime() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns the number of milliseconds spent parsing.
- getParseTreeCount() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
How many parse trees are there in this forest?
- getPath() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Get last few matches from a failed parse.
- getPosition() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get the current position in this state
- getPredictedTerminals() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getPredictedTerminals() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getPredictedTerminals() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns the symbols predicted as possibly next in the case where a parse fails.
- getPrefixParsing() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Is prefix parsing enabled?
- getPriority() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getPriority() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- getPriorityStyle() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Get the priority style.
- getProgressMonitor() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Get the progress monitor.
- getRangeFrom() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Where does the range begin?
- getRangeTo() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Where does the range end?
- getReliable() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.AmbiguityReport
Is the report reliable?
- getReliable() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- getReturnChart() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Return the Earley chart even for a successful parse?
- getRhs() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
The sequence of symbols that comprise the definition of the rule's nonterminal.
- getRhs() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get the list of symbols that define this state's nonterminal symbol.
- getRightAttributes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getRightExtent() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtree
- getRightHandSide() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getRightNode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getRoot() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
- getRule() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get the rule that originated this state.
- getRules() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Get the rules currently defined in this grammar.
- getRulesBySymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Get the rules currently defined in this grammar organized by symbol.
- getRulesForSymbol(NonterminalSymbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Get the rules currently defined in this grammar for a particular symbol.
- getSeed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getSeed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Get the
seed value used by this parser. - getSeed() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
The seed used by this parser.
- getSeed() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
- getSelectedNodes() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- getSelectedTrees() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- getSlots() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- getState() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
What state does this node represent?
- getSuffix() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
What symbol does this node represent?
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
The nonterminal symbol defined by this rule.
- getSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get the nonterminal associated with this state
- getSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Get the currently defined nonterminals in the grammar.
- getToken() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Get the token associated with this terminal symbol.
- getTokenCount() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- getTokenCount() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
How many tokens were parsed?
- getTokenCount() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Return the number of tokens parsed.
- getTokens() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- getTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- getTree(TreeBuilder) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- getTree(TreeBuilder) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Lumberjack
- getTree(TreeBuilder) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSurgeon
- getUnambiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.AmbiguityReport
Is the grammar unambiguous?
- getUnambiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.BricsAmbiguity
- getUndefinedSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the unreachable symbols.
- getUnicodeCharacterClass() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
What is the Unicode character class?
- getUnproductiveRules() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the unproductive rules.
- getUnproductiveSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the unproductive symbols.
- getUnreachableSymbols() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Get the unreachable symbols.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.Token
What is this token?
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Return the value of this token (its character).
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
Return the string value of this token.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
Return the string value of this token.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
Get the regular expression.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Get the string.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
Return the string value of this token.
- getValue() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
Get the value of an attribute.
- GLL - Enum constant in enum class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserType
- gllexecution - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- gllFrequency - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
The default update interval (number of states).
- GllParser - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
The GLL parser.
- GllParser(ParserGrammar, ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- GllResult - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
The results of a GLL parse.
- GllResult(GllParser, BinarySubtree) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- grammar - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- Grammar - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The grammar representation.
- Grammar() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
- GrammarException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Grammar exceptions.
- GrammarException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.GrammarException
Grammar exception with a message.
- GrammarException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.GrammarException
Grammar exception with an underlying cause.
- grammarIsClosed() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.GrammarException
Raised if an attempt is made to write to a closed grammar.
- hasAttribute(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Decoratable
Check if a specific attribute is specified.
- hasDigits(Integer...) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreePrefix
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeSlot
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.ClusterNode
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.CrfNode
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.PoppedNode
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
Assure that equal nonterminals return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hashCode() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
Assure that equal tokens return the same hash code.
- hasMoreInput() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- hasMoreInput() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Is there more input?
- hasMoreInput() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Returns true of the parse ended without consuming all input.
- hasMoreTrees() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- hasMoreTrees() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Lumberjack
- hasMoreTrees() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSurgeon
- HygieneReport - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A report on the hygiene of a grammar.
- i - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.CrfNode
- id - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- id - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
This node's unique identifier.
- immutable(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.AttributeException
Raised if an attempt is made to modify an existing attribute.
- inclusion(List<CharacterSet>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character in the specified ranges.
- inclusion(List<CharacterSet>, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character in the specified ranges (with attributes).
- inclusion(CharacterSet) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character in the specified range.
- inclusion(CharacterSet...) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character in the specified ranges.
- inclusion(CharacterSet, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Create a character set terminal that matches any character in the specified range (with attributes)
- info(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Emit an info message.
- info(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- info(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- info(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- info(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Issue an informational message.
- info(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- INFO - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Informational messages and above.
- INFO - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level for informational messages.
- Instrumentation - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
- Instrumentation() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- intermediate - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNodeGLL
- internalError() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Raised if an internal error occurs.
- internalError(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if an internal error occurs.
- invalidCharacterClass(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.GrammarException
Raised if an invalid Unicode character class is specified.
- invalidChoiceSelected() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Raised if a, org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode, int, java.util.List<org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family>)
function returns an any elements not taken from the list of choices offered or any duplicates in the list of potential future choices. - invalidGramamr(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the grammar is invalid.
- invalidGrammarRegex() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.GrammarException
Raised if a regular expression is used incorrectly.
- invalidInputForGLL() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if an attempt is made to parse an invalid input.
- invalidInputForRegex() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if an attempt is made to parse an invalid input.
- invalidNameEscaping(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if a name is improperly escaped.
- invalidOPTIONAL(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.AttributeException
Raised if an attempt is made to set an invalid option value.
- ioError(String, Exception) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ForestException
An I/O exception.
- isAbsolutelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- isAbsolutelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Lumberjack
- isAbsolutelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSurgeon
- isAmbiguous - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- isAmbiguous() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns true if the parse was ambiguous.
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Is the grammar represented by this graph ambiguous?
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Lumberjack
- isAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSurgeon
- isClean() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Is this grammar "clean"?
- isEmpty() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- isInclusion() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Is this an inclusion characater set?
- isInfinitelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- isInfinitelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
- isInfinitelyAmbiguous() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns true if the parse was infinitely ambiguous.
- isInfinitelyAmbiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Is the grammar represented by this graph infinitely ambiguous?
- isMax() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- isNullable(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
Is the symbol nullable?
- isNullable(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
Is a symbol nullable?
- isNullable(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
- isRange() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Does this character set represent a range of Unicode code points?
- isSetOfCharacters() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Does this character set represent a specific set of characters?
- isSpecialist() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Axe
Is this a specialist axe?
- isSpecialist() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- isSpecialist() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.RandomAxe
- isSpecialist() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- isUnicodeCharacterClass() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Does this character set represent a Unicode character class?
- Iterators - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
Utility class to generate iterators for sequences of characters and strings.
- Iterators() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Iterators
- j - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- j - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- k - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.ClusterNode
- k - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- L0 - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- leftExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeNode
- leftExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
The first position in the input covered by this node.
- leftExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- length - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- length - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- level - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- LF - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- LINE_NUMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- literal(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Construct a character set containing each of the characters in the literal string.
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtree
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Grammar
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
- logcategory - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The logging catagory for logger messages.
- Logger - Class in org.nineml.logging
The abstract class that all concrete loggers must extend.
- Logger() - Constructor for class org.nineml.logging.Logger
- logLevelsProperty - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The system property for setting the category:loglevel mappings.
- Lumberjack - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
An "unspecialist" Arborist.
- matches(char) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Does this toke match this character?
- matches(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Test if a code point occurs in the set.
- matches(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Does this token match this string?
- matches(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
- matches(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Does this token match this string?
- matches(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
Are these the same symbol?
- matches(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Symbol
Does this symbol match the specified symbol?
- matches(Symbol) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Does this symbol match this other symbol?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
Does this symbol match the input token?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Symbol
Does this symbol match the specified token?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Does this symbol match the given token?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.Token
Does this token match the input?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Does this token match the input?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
Returns true if and only if the specified token matches.
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
Does this token match the input?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
Does this token match the input?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
Does this token match the input token?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Does this token match the input?
- matches(Token) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
Does this token match the input?
- messageDigestError(String, String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the digest cannot be created.
- MessageGenerator - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Generates localized messages.
- MessageGenerator() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.MessageGenerator
- minimumTimeInterval - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
- missingAttributeGroup(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if an attribute group is missing
- missingXmlId(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if an element is missing a required xml:id
- mkPN(State, int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForestGLL
- NEL - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- nextSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
Get the next symbol
- noChoiceSelected() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Raised if a, org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode, int, java.util.List<org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family>)
function returns an empty list. - node - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelection
- node - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- noMoreTrees() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Raised if an attempt is made to walk a tree when there are no more trees.
- NONE - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
No messages.
- NonterminalSymbol - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A nonterminal symbol in the grammar.
- NopTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
This class implements the
interface, but discards all the output. - NopTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- noSuchNode(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ForestException
A no-such-node exception.
- notAGrammar(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the compiled grammar is not in the correct namespace.
- noTrees() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Raised if an attempt is made to walk a tree when there are no trees.
- noVersionProvided() - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the compiled grammar has no version attribute.
- of(int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- of(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- OFFSET_NAME - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
CoffeeGrinder exceptions.
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
The GLL parser classes.
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The parser classes.
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
The token classes.
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
The tree classes.
- org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util - package org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
Utility classes.
- org.nineml.logging - package org.nineml.logging
Logging framework.
- parent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.ParseTree
- parent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelection
- parse(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- parse(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Parse an input string against the grammar.
- parse(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Parse a string.
- parse(Iterator<Token>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- parse(Iterator<Token>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Parse a sequence of tokens against the grammar.
- parse(Iterator<Token>) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Parse a sequence of tokens provided by an iterator.
- parse(Token[]) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- parse(Token[]) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyParser
Parse an array of tokens against the grammar.
- parse(Token[]) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyParser
Parse an array of tokens.
- ParseException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Parse exceptions.
- ParseException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
An parse exception with a message.
- ParseException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
An parse exception with an underlying cause.
- ParseForest - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
An SPPF is a shared packed parse forest.
- ParseForest(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
- ParseForestGLL - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
An SPPF is a shared packed parse forest.
- ParseForestGLL(ParserOptions, ParserGrammar, int, Token[]) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForestGLL
- ParseListener - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The parser uses a ParseListener to report on its progress.
- ParserAttribute - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
Attributes that can be associated with a symbol or token.
- ParserAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
Create a parser attribute.
- parserAttributes - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- ParserGrammar - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A grammar for the parser.
- ParserInput - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
- ParserInput(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- ParserInput(ParserOptions, boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- ParserOptions - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
Options to the parser.
- ParserOptions() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Create parser options.
- ParserOptions(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Create parser options by copying an existing set of options.
- ParserOptions(Logger) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Create parser options with an explicit logger.
- ParserType - Enum Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
- ParseTree - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A parse tree used when finding trees in the forest.
- perSecond(long) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
Compute events per second.
- pivot - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeNode
- pivot - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNodeGLL
- PoppedNode - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll
Popped nodes are used to keep track of partial parses.
- position - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- prefixSucceeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- prefixSucceeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Did the parse match the beginning of the input?
- prefixSucceeded() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns true if the parser successfully processed a prefix of the input.
- prevSymbol() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- PrintStreamTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A tree builder that sends serialized results to a print stream.
- PrintStreamTreeBuilder(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- PrintStreamTreeBuilder(PrintStream, boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- PRIORITY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
The internal name of the attribute that holds priority.
- PriorityAxe - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
An Axe that returns the highest priority trees first.
- PriorityAxe() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- PriorityAxe(boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- progress(GearleyParser, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ProgressMonitor
Indicates progress in the parse.
- progress(GearleyParser, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
Report progress.
- ProgressMonitor - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
The ProgressMonitor allows you to track the progress of a parse.
- provablyUnambiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Did the dk.brics.grammar.ambiguity analyzer report the grammar unambiguous?
- prune() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForestGLL
- quotePrintableCharacters - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- RandomAxe - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
An Axe that returns random trees.
- RandomAxe() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.RandomAxe
- range(int, int) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Construct a character set containing each of the characters in the specified range, inclusive.
- readSystemProperties() - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the log levels by reading system properties.
- regex(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Return a token for a string.
- REGEX_NAME - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- RegexCompiler - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
- RegexCompiler(List<Rule>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.RegexCompiler
- reliablyUnambiguous() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.HygieneReport
Did the dk.brics.grammar.ambiguity analyzer run reliably?
- report() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- report(long) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- reset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Arborist
- reset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Lumberjack
- reset() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelector
Reset the state of the tree selector.
- reset() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSurgeon
- reset() - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- resolveDuplicates() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Resolve duplicate symbols in the grammar.
- rhs - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- rhs - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- rightExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeNode
- rightExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
The last position in the input covered by this node.
- rightExtent - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTree
- RightHandSide - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A utility class for what appears on the "right hand side" of a production in a grammar.
- RightHandSide(List<Symbol>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- RightHandSide(Symbol[]) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- rule - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- Rule - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A grammar rule.
- Rule(NonterminalSymbol, List<Symbol>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
Construct a new rule mapping the nonterminal to a sequence of symbols.
- Rule(NonterminalSymbol, Symbol...) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
Construct a new rule mapping the nonterminal to a sequence of symbols.
- s(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Return a token for a string.
- seed - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtree
- seedNotInGrammar(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.ParseException
Raised if the selected seed token is not in the grammar
- select(List<Family>, List<Family>) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelector
Make a selection.
- select(ParseTree, ForestNode, int, List<Family>) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Axe
Select a branch from a list of branches.
- select(ParseTree, ForestNode, int, List<Family>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- select(ParseTree, ForestNode, int, List<Family>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.RandomAxe
- select(ParseTree, ForestNode, int, List<Family>) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- selection - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelection
- SequentialAxe - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
An Axe that returns ever tree in the forest.
- SequentialAxe() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- SequentialAxe(boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- serialize() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Serialize the graph as XML.
- serialize(PrintStream) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Serialize the graph as XML.
- serialize(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
Serialize the graph as XML.
- setDefaultLogLevel(int) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the default log level.
- setDefaultLogLevel(String) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the default log level.
- setLogger(Logger) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Set the logger.
- setLogLevel(String, int) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the log level for a particular category.
- setLogLevel(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the log level for a particular category.
- setLogLevels(String) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Set the log levels for a set of categories.
- setMarkAmbiguities(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Shall ambiguities be marked?
- setMessageLevel(int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
How verbose do you want me to be?
- setMessageLevel(int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- setMetadataProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Sets a metadata property.
- setNormalizeLineEndings(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Enable normalizing line endings?
- setParserType(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Set the parser type.
- setPrefixParsing(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Enable prefix parsing?
- setPriorityStyle(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Set the priority style.
- setProgressMonitor(ProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Set the progress monitor.
- setReturnChart(boolean) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserOptions
Set the return chart property.
- SILENT - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level to indicate no logging, not even errors.
- size() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyChart
How big is the chart?
- size() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseForest
How big is the graph?
- slot - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeNode
- slot - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.CrfNode
- slot - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- SourceGrammar - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A grammar for the parser.
- SourceGrammar() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Create a new grammar with default options.
- SourceGrammar(ParserOptions) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Create a new grammar with a specific set of options.
- SourceGrammar(SourceGrammar) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.SourceGrammar
Create a new grammar from an existing grammar.
- start - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Instrumentation
- startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- startAmbiguity(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called at the start of an ambiguity that is not marked by a single nonterminal.
- starting(GearleyParser, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ProgressMonitor
Indicates that the parse is about to begin.
- starting(GearleyParser, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
Start the monitor.
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called when a new nonterminal begins.
- startNonterminal(NonterminalSymbol, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelector
Start a nonterminal.
- startTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- startTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- startTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- startTree() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- startTree() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called first, when construction begins.
- state - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- state - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- State - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
States (or Earley items) in the chart.
- StdoutTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A tree builder that sends serialized output to
. - StdoutTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StdoutTreeBuilder
- stop() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
Stop the watch.
- StopWatch - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util
A utility class for managing a "wall clock" timer.
- StopWatch() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.StopWatch
Create a stopwatch.
- string() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- stringIterator(String...) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Iterators
An iterator over a sequence of strings.
- stringIterator(List<String>) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.Iterators
An iterator over a sequence of strings.
- StringTreeBuilder - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A tree builder that returns the serialized tree as a string.
- StringTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- StringTreeBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- succeeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllParser
- succeeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- succeeded() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyResult
Did the parse succeed?
- succeeded() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.GearleyResult
Returns true of the parse was successful.
- success - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.GllResult
- symbol - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.ClusterNode
- symbol - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- symbol - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
- symbol - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- symbol - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericBranch
- Symbol - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A grammar symbol.
- Symbol() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Symbol
Create a symbol with no attributes.
- Symbol(Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Symbol
Create a symbol with an initial set of attributes.
- symbolName - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
- symbols - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.RightHandSide
- SystemLogger - Class in org.nineml.logging
The system logger routes messages to another logging framework.
- SystemLogger() - Constructor for class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- SystemLogger(Logger) - Constructor for class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- TerminalSymbol - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser
A terminal symbol.
- TerminalSymbol(Token) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Make a symbol for the specified token.
- TerminalSymbol(Token, Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Make a symbol for the specified token with the given attributes
- TerminalSymbol(Token, ParserAttribute) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Make a symbol for the specified token with a given ParserAttribute.
- textNotAllowed(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if text is used where it isn't allowed.
- token - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericLeaf
- token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.GenericTreeBuilder
- token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.NopTreeBuilder
- token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PrintStreamTreeBuilder
- token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.StringTreeBuilder
- token(Token, Map<String, String>, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeBuilder
Called when a terminal occurs.
- Token - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
An input token.
- Token(Collection<ParserAttribute>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.Token
A token with attributes.
- TokenCharacter - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A single character
. - TokenCharacterSet - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A token character set.
- TokenEOF - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A token that matches end of file.
- TokenEPSILON - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A single character
. - TokenRegex - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A regular expression token
. - tokens() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserInput
- TokenString - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A string
. - TokenUndefined - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens
A token that can match nothing.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.BinarySubtreeNode
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.ClusterNode
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.CrfNode
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.Descriptor
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.gll.PoppedNode
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Family
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ForestNode
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.NonterminalSymbol
Pretty print a nonterminal.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.Rule
Pretty print a node.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.State
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacter
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenCharacterSet
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEOF
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenEPSILON
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenRegex
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenString
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
Pretty print a token.
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.ParseTree
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- toString() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.ParserAttribute
- trace(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- trace(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- trace(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Issue a trace message.
- trace(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- TRACE - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level for trace messages.
- TreeBuilder - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
The tree builder interface.
- TreeNumber - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A numbering of potential trees.
- TreeNumber() - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- TreeNumber(TreeNumber, int) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeNumber
- TreeSelection - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
- TreeSelection(ForestNode, ParseTree, Family) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.TreeSelection
- TreeSelector - Interface in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
The tree selector is responsible for choosing among ambiguous parses.
- TreeSurgeon - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
A specialist Arborist.
- TreeWalkerException - Exception in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions
Tree walking exceptions.
- TreeWalkerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Grammar exception with a message.
- TreeWalkerException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.TreeWalkerException
Grammar exception with an underlying cause.
- undefined - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.TokenUndefined
- UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.TerminalSymbol
- unexpectedCharacterSet(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if an unexpected character set is used.
- unexpectedElement(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the compiled grammar contains an element with an unexpected name.
- unexpectedFlag(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the internal flag value is unrecognized.
- unexpectedTerminalTokenClass(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if an unexpected terminal token class is encountered
- unicodeClass(String) - Static method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.tokens.CharacterSet
Construct a character set representing the specified Unicode character class.
- unsupportedVersion(String) - Static method in exception org.nineml.coffeegrinder.exceptions.CompilerException
Raised if the version is unrecognized.
- uppercase - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- useHex - Static variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.CodepointToString
- usesRegex - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserGrammar
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParserType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- vertex - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.ParseTree
- Vertex - Class in org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees
- Vertex(ForestNode, List<ParserAttribute>) - Constructor for class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Vertex
- w - Variable in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.EarleyItem
- warn(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.CachingLogger
- warn(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.DefaultLogger
- warn(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
Issue a warning message.
- warn(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.nineml.logging.SystemLogger
- warning(String) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Emit a warning message.
- warning(String) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultParseListener
- WARNING - Static variable in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ParseListener
Warning messages and above.
- WARNING - Static variable in class org.nineml.logging.Logger
The log level for warning messages.
- wasAmbiguousSelection() - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.Axe
Was the previous selection ambiguous?
- wasAmbiguousSelection() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.PriorityAxe
- wasAmbiguousSelection() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.RandomAxe
- wasAmbiguousSelection() - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.trees.SequentialAxe
- workingSet(GearleyParser, int, int) - Method in interface org.nineml.coffeegrinder.parser.ProgressMonitor
Indicates progress in the parse.
- workingSet(GearleyParser, int, int) - Method in class org.nineml.coffeegrinder.util.DefaultProgressMonitor
Report progress.
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