Chapter 4. Finding errors
On a good day, your grammars are all valid and your inputs all parse. On a day that ends in “y”, not so much.
If coffeepot fails to parse your grammar, it will attempt to identify where the error occurs. Consider this grammar, err01.ixml:
list: word + -',' .
word: c, v, c ; c, v, v
-c: ["bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"] .
-v: ["aeiouy" ].
In principle, this is a grammar matching comma-separated sequences of short words matching the pattern “consonant-vowel-consonant” or “consonent-vowel-vowel”. In practice, it’s not:
$ coffeepot -pp -g:examples/err01.ixml cat,sat,hat
Failed to parse grammar: could not match '-' at line 3, column 1
In typical “error messages from computer programs” fashion, this doesn’t actually tell you what’s wrong. It tells you the first thing the parser didn’t understand, the “-” at the start of line 3. There’s nothing wrong with that hyphen, but if you look just before it, you will see that the preceding rule is missing the terminating “.”.
With that addition, we get err02.ixml:
list: word + -',' .
word: c, v, c ; c, v, v .
-c: ["bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"] .
-v: ["aeiouy" ].
Which does work:
$ coffeepot -pp -g:examples/err02.ixml cat,sat,hat
Once your grammar works, you can start feeding inputs to it. Some of those won’t work.
$ coffeepot -pp -g:examples/err02.ixml frog,sat,log
<fail xmlns:ixml='' ixml:state='failed'>
<in rule='v'>
<open rule='word' start='1' end='1'>
There is no universally correct answer to the question: is your grammar incorrect or is your input incorrect? In fact, if what you wanted to demonstrate was that a paricular input was not a sentence in the grammar, then neither may be incorrect.
If you have reasonable confidence in your grammar and you did expect the input to match, the next question to answer is, why didn’t it?
The “fail” document attempts to identify where the error occurred. As before, what we see in the error is where the parser was when it couldn’t continue. In this case, note that it read as far as the third character, but in fact had failed at the second, the “r”.
Why aren’t the numbers more accurate? The short answer is: because the parser can’t know that it won’t succeed until it’s “run out” of possible matches. That almost always means reading at least one character past the error, but sometimes several.
Sometimes, in addition to a list of permitted tokens, you’ll get an additional set of “also predicted” tokens. This happens when the parser is in the middle of something that could have continued (with one of the permitted tokens), but the parser has also made predictions about what could come after what it’s trying to finish. The also predicted tokens are an indication of what it would have accepted next.
With this simple grammar, it’s not too hard to look at the input and work out that “frog” is neither “consonant-vowel-consonant” nor “consonent-vowel-vowel”. It’s four letters long, if nothing else!
But suppose it hadn’t been so easy to spot. We can ask the parser for more
details, but beware, you sometimes get a lot of detail!
The --show-chart
option tells coffeepot to
print the state chart that was current at the moment of failure.
$ coffeepot -pp -g:examples/err02.ixml --show-chart frog,sat,log
<fail xmlns:ixml='' ixml:state='failed'>
<in rule='v'>
<open rule='word' start='1' end='1'>
<row n='0'>
<item>$$ ⇒ • list / 0</item>
<item>list ⇒ • $1_word-plus-sep / 0</item>
<item>$1_word-plus-sep ⇒ • word $2_L,-starⁿ / 0</item>
<item>word ⇒ • c v c / 0</item>
<item>word ⇒ • c v v / 0</item>
<row n='1'>
<item>c ⇒ ['bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'] • / 0 / c, 0, 1</item>
<item>word ⇒ c • v c / 0 / c, 0, 1</item>
<item>word ⇒ c • v v / 0 / c, 0, 1</item>
To understand the state chart, it will be useful to know something about how an Earley parser works, and understand the rewriting rules that are applied to your Invisible XML grammar.
Roughly speaking, each row in the chart represents the state of the parser when that input token is or was processed. Row 0 represents what the parser predicted before the first character. Row 1 represents what it matched and predicted for the first character, etc. The last row in a failed parse represents what it was hoping to match when it failed.
Each item in the chart has three parts. It starts with the rule being considered. The “•” indicates how much of each rule has been successfully matched. The second part indicates where this item came from (on what row of the chart did we begin predicting this as a possible matching rule?). The last part is the forest node under construction for this item. That’s part of the machinery for constructing a graph that contains all of the possible parses.
Looking at the last row, we can see that the parser
was trying to match word
, it had a couple of ways to do so, in each case, it
had matched the first consonant (because • is after “c” in each case), and failed to find
the next match, a vowel in both cases. Not surprising since “r” isn’t a vowel!
Let’s look at another unsuccessful attempt:
$ coffeepot -pp -g:examples/err02.ixml cat,ate,rat
<fail xmlns:ixml='' ixml:state='failed'>
<completed rule='word' start='1' end='3'>
<in rule='c'>
The state chart isn’t the only tool we have to understand what went wrong.
We can also look at what was in the parse forest with the --graph
option (if you have configured GraphViz).
Looking at the leaves, we can see that “cat” was connected into the graph, but “,” and “a” are unconnected. That’s a clue about what wasn’t matched. For non-trivial examples, the graphs can get very large, sometimes too large for GraphViz to even compute. But they can still be valuable aids to understanding the parse.
One thing worth noting: on a successful parse, when the final graph is constructed, an “unreachable” nodes are pruned away. A graph produced mid-parse can’t be pruned, so there are often extra “root” nodes.